Subdivision – What is the difference between a Built Strata, Survey Strata and Strata Title?

Land can be subdivided three ways: Green title or freehold subdivision (No common property) Survey strata subdivision (Can include common property, title includes land around building) Built Strata subdivision (Title usually includes only the building footprint). Both green title and survey strata subdivisions allow the creation of vacant lots. The [...]

2018-09-29T04:11:16+00:00By ||

How do I lodge for an application for subdivision approval?

All applications for the subdivision of land are lodged with the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC), as the Commission determines all subdivision applications in WA. Application forms can be downloaded from the WAPC's website (under Applications). The WAPC refers subdivisions applications to the City for comment in-accordance with Section 142 [...]

2018-09-29T04:09:05+00:00By ||

What is residential density or an R-Code?

Residential density is identified by a series of numbers within the residential zone on a Council's town planning scheme map. These numbers are derived from the State Government document called the Residential Design Codes of Western Australia, or the R-Codes for short. Please find the link to the document below [...]

2018-09-29T04:06:25+00:00By |, |

Can I be an owner builder?

Before an owner can undertake any proposed works (valued over $20,000) as an owner builder, the owner is required to apply for approval from the WA Building Commission. An Owner Builder application form and information can be downloaded visiting the following link to the Building Commission's website. The Owner Builder Approval Application is [...]

2018-09-29T04:01:16+00:00By |, |

What is the difference between town planning approval and a building permit?

The Building Permit process regulates the construction and alteration of buildings by assessing proposed buildings, structures and alteration work against the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA). A building permit is required before any building work can be carried out. A registered building surveyor is engaged by the [...]

What are the building permit fees payable?

The fees payable with the building permit application to your Council are based on the contract value of the proposed works (including GST). If there is no contract, the value of the works must include all material costs, labour costs, necessary services, fees payable, overheads, etc (as stipulated in [...]

2018-09-29T03:49:18+00:00By ||
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